Teleste offers a comprehensive set of RF amplifiers to all parts of the HFC network. Our products vary from powerful and intelligent trunk network amplifiers to compact distribution and home amplifiers.

Their exceptional performance and quality are trusted by leading cable MSOs building or planning 1.2 GHz and 1.8 GHz cable networks. Many of our amplifiers are intelligent, making them easy to use and maintain, a characteristic appreciated by cable operators using outsourced manpower in the field.

RF amplifiers are key to good quality signal distribution

Whether it is for signal distribution within the home or within the building, or indeed the “last mile” distribution to the building including signal boosting where needed, our Basic Amplifiers are designed to simply install and turn on.

Powering of 1.8 GHz amplifiers: a reality check

In this article, we strive for facts for cable operators who might have heard anecdotal statements regarding the power consumption of 1.8 GHz amplifiers.